
Welcome to my updates!

Please visit the exhibition of my students’ work! June 7th in Sharon MA details below:



I will be offering some kids and adults summer classes from July 18-August 12th this year.  Please call in to register an adult or child for any of the following classes. Students can register for any combination of hours during the summer. 781-223-6704. Summer class hours are 9-12 and 4-7 pm Mon-Thu. Possibility of Friday mornings for adults.

If weather permits we will draw in the back yard/garden of my studio otherwise we will be indoors. Certain classes will meet up on Moose Hill in Sharon, MA. All levels and ages are welcome and classes are mixed because everyone works at an individualized level and I come around and work with each student one on one.


Fall Registration of new students is ongoing as well. Please inquire with the same phone number. If you leave a message or send a text, I will be happy to respond. You can also visit my Facebook Page, “Evelina Brozgul”. To register for the fall, I would need to speak to you over the phone or in person to give you options of available spaces.


Weekday mornings classes for adults. Contact me for times and dates 781-223-604 . Classes run normally from 2-3 hours.

More adult classes after 2 pm Saturdays. Please call me for times. I can be flexible.

Evening Classes are also available on Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays.


Please call 781-223-604 for availability. If you have siblings or have another time/date preference, please call me and I can try to accommodate you.

All classes are weekend mornings and after school on Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays. Contact me and we can work around your schedule!

Also look for my light blue sign on the lawn about art lessons!

Please don’t forget to check and LIKE the     You can also find this link in the Contact section of my website.

I hope you come back soon or come visit the studio and meet me in person! Just give me heads up! Mornings are the best time!